Wednesday, April 19, 2017

 Things have been kind of slow again except for a few errands. However, over the weekend we went for an extra long walk around the lake then Mom and Dad got to open their present that has been in the garage for a couple of days.  I can't believe they are not as excited as I am with presents but finally they opened it and it was not as special as I thought it would be ?  Dad called it a lawn mower and I should NEVER play with it or around it.  He told me it is for grown up two legged people only because it has something called a blade that spins really fast.   I watched from the deck as all Mom and Dad did was walk around and around the yard with it so that was kind of funny.

Later in the week Mom, Grandma T and Grandpa D loaded up in the car and went to see Miss M in her school play.  She had the lead singing role.  I begged Mom to go and she almost said yes but after I acted up earlier in the day I was grounded so I had to stay home.  I begged my wild child to behave but sometimes she gets her way no matter what I do.   Mom took pictures of Miss M and showed me when they got back home. Mom gave Miss M the flowers we bought after the play which made me feel better.  Mom told me Miss M did a GREAT job.  I am sooooo proud of her !!  After the play Miss M's Mom took them on a tour of the school.  Miss M's Mom is a teacher there.  They even got to go to her classroom and look around.  Miss K was with them.   Mom told me there were pictures of me, Miss M and Miss K in her classroom.  How cool !!

The next day Mom and me went to run errands.  Mom usually doesn't take pictures when we are just out and about but this trip Mom said marked the beginning of summer preparation and gardening.  I don't remember much about gardening since I was just a wee one when she planted last year so as we were walking around Mom told me all about the plants and what they produce and what we get to eat.  However, I have a feeling that most of that will be people food not doggie food.   She said we will go back when it is a little warmer and buy lots and lots of the plants and veggies we saw.

Mom surprised me as we were walking by the puppy toys and told me to pick one out.  I picked a green piggy to go along with my pink piggy.  I carried it around the store however, I dropped it once and we had to back track and go looking for it.  Mom put it in her cart after that.  Bummer !!

 We were off to Hy-vee after that to buy some things for what Mom called Easter.  She said there was a special Easter bunny that comes to the house kind of like the big red guy and leaves you treats in a basket.   When we got home I asked Avalon about this and she said it was true and since the Easter bunny is four legged we can even talk to him.   How cool !!  That night when Mom and Dad were asleep Avalon and I asked the Easter bunny if he could come to the house early since we were not going to get to see Miss M and Miss K on Easter.  He said he would.  He must be a really cool guy !

Happy Easter and may the Easter Bunny be nice to you !

 Mom gave me an A+ when we were out running errands.  I don't always get that high of a mark but she told me just like the big red guy the Easter bunny watches you so I thought I better be on my best behavior.  The only one thing Mom said I did was to put my nose in a private place.  I don't understand why she was upset - Avalon and I do that all the time to each other.

The next day Miss M and Miss K came over along with Grandma T and their Mom.  I was sooo excited since the Easter bunny came that night.  Avalon and I even got to meet him.  He hopped instead of walked on his four legs but still he was pretty cool.   He hid the baskets and put notes up around the house for us to try and find them.  Some were easy but some were hard.  It helped to have Easter bunny ears on and I even got to put some ears on too!   Much fun was had by all.  After finding the baskets Miss M took me outside and I practiced commands with her until it started raining.   Mom and Miss K stayed inside and I could hear them talking about gardening stuff.  Miss K is getting a real garden this year in her backyard.

The weekend came again and Mom and Dad took me to run errands with them.  We stopped at the river and walked around.  Lots of new smells so I kept my nose to the ground.  Dad said I was missing the wonderful views but to a puppy smell is what it is all about.    Before we left we took the stuff in the little blue box in the back of the Ford with me and put it into a bigger blue box.  It made a loud noise when Dad dropped them in the small holes.   Dad called it recycling.  He said it was good for our environment.

Easter Sunday finally came but Avalon and I stayed home.  Mom asked me if I wanted to come but Avalon and I had asked the Easter Bunny to come again to our house since we had not gotten our baskets yet.    Mom and Dad were gone for a long time but when they got home there they were.  Two baskets for me and Avalon !  I like this Easter Bunny.  You can talk to him and he understands puppy talk.  Hope everyone had an enjoyable Easter and celebrated in your faith and family.

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