Sunday, April 30, 2017

I got a NEW Dog house !!

 Last weekend it rained on Saturday but we found some time to go for a weekend walk.  Dad worked with me on my jumping skills and got soooo excited when I jumped the net that I got extra treats.  I will have to tell Miss M about this.  She only gives me one.
 It did clear up later in the day so Mom and Dad did some work out on the deck getting it ready for summer.  Brought the furniture up and took the grill out.

 When Mom and Dad were inside having some lunch I decided to surprise them with a little summer decorating of my own.  However, I found out that was NOT the thing to do !!!!  Mom said some words that I can not repeat.  I don't understand why she can say them and I can't but she is the grown up and I am only a puppy in training.   I did get to spend some time in "Time Out" in my kennel until Mom and Dad were finished working which I was not too happy about.    Avalon got to stay outside with them.  I hope I remember "No Decorating" so I can stay out and play with everyone.

Miss M and Miss K were on Spring break from school so I got to spend some extra time with them. We went to see their Grandfather who is spending some time in a nursing rehab center plus visited a church chapel that was there.  Miss M said I had to be quiet and to make sure I leave my wide child outside.  Grandma T was there with us but mom ran errands then came back and picked us up.  While we were waiting we went outside for a bit to play.  There were lots of things to sniff and pretty things to look at.

Miss M came over several times that week and took me back over to Grandma T's house to play and work on commands. I have to stay on my long lead so I don't get excited and run into the street.  We did go over to the tennis courts also so I could play off lead.   Mom took me on errands that week too. The ones I like.  Short ones that we are in and out and no monkeying around.   The people at Hy-Vee sure know who I am and always say "Hi".  We do go there a lot.   Sometimes I get my space in the back of the Ford taken up with sacks so I have to just stay in one corner and watch out the window.

The weekend came again and it was a nice weekend so Mom and Dad were back out in the yard on Saturday working after we went for our walk.   Later in the day they finished getting out the cushions from the attic along with the pergola cover and the TV that Dad likes to watch baseball and football on.  I showed them how I can "go up" on a chair like Miss M tought me but found out that not all chairs are "go up" chairs.   Mom told me to get down and plus no treat !  However, Dad had treats that come in a can and I got to sip a little.  Dad said you have to be 21 to drink the treat but at my age of 7 in dog years I can sip.
It was so nice out on Sunday that Mom and Dad had their first BBQ of the season.  I remember how great it smells when they BBQ from last summer but also remembered it is only people food and not doggie food.  I was hoping Dad would drop something and I would snatch it up.  It was our old dry dog food for Avalon and I but we did get to eat it outside with them.   We stayed out till it was dark.

Last week was kind of slow.  Mom had some two legged people come and work out in the yard,  The weather here has turned back to winter almost.  Cold and rainy.  We did not get to go for all of our daily bike rides and Mom does not like to take me with her on her errands because she says I "smell" when I am wet.  However - Let me tell you about a big surprise that came on the weekend !!

Mom and Dad left on Saturday and were gone for a long time.  Avalon and I had to stay in the mud room and play because Mom does not trust me out and about when she is not here.  Before they left they said they would be bringing home a surprise for us and boy they did !!

                               A New Dog House !!

 I didn't know houses came on wheels and you could drive them around.  That is soooo cool !!   They were gone a long time because they had to even go to a special class to learn all about the new house.  There is a special place for Avalon and I to sleep and even an outdoor shower for us when we get dirty.  It is just like a house.  They told us there is a kitchen, dining room, living room, bathroom and bed room.  You can cook inside and outside.

It was really raining when they got home so we only got to look at it from the  mud room.  We have not gotten to go into the new dog house yet.  It is raining really hard again today so might not get to go inside today either ??   Mom said they had planned to camp in the drive way last night and show us everything but with the rain and winter type temps we all just stayed inside and stayed warm.  They were not sure if they remembered how to turn the heat on in the new dog house.  I can say I am really excited for the adventures Mom and Dad said we are going to take but Avalon isn't so happy.  She gets car sick and might have to stay at home with a doggie sitter :(

Hello Summer - Here we come!!!

Thank you Mr. Crook for all of your help yesterday.  We will be making new Schense traditions !

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

 Things have been kind of slow again except for a few errands. However, over the weekend we went for an extra long walk around the lake then Mom and Dad got to open their present that has been in the garage for a couple of days.  I can't believe they are not as excited as I am with presents but finally they opened it and it was not as special as I thought it would be ?  Dad called it a lawn mower and I should NEVER play with it or around it.  He told me it is for grown up two legged people only because it has something called a blade that spins really fast.   I watched from the deck as all Mom and Dad did was walk around and around the yard with it so that was kind of funny.

Later in the week Mom, Grandma T and Grandpa D loaded up in the car and went to see Miss M in her school play.  She had the lead singing role.  I begged Mom to go and she almost said yes but after I acted up earlier in the day I was grounded so I had to stay home.  I begged my wild child to behave but sometimes she gets her way no matter what I do.   Mom took pictures of Miss M and showed me when they got back home. Mom gave Miss M the flowers we bought after the play which made me feel better.  Mom told me Miss M did a GREAT job.  I am sooooo proud of her !!  After the play Miss M's Mom took them on a tour of the school.  Miss M's Mom is a teacher there.  They even got to go to her classroom and look around.  Miss K was with them.   Mom told me there were pictures of me, Miss M and Miss K in her classroom.  How cool !!

The next day Mom and me went to run errands.  Mom usually doesn't take pictures when we are just out and about but this trip Mom said marked the beginning of summer preparation and gardening.  I don't remember much about gardening since I was just a wee one when she planted last year so as we were walking around Mom told me all about the plants and what they produce and what we get to eat.  However, I have a feeling that most of that will be people food not doggie food.   She said we will go back when it is a little warmer and buy lots and lots of the plants and veggies we saw.

Mom surprised me as we were walking by the puppy toys and told me to pick one out.  I picked a green piggy to go along with my pink piggy.  I carried it around the store however, I dropped it once and we had to back track and go looking for it.  Mom put it in her cart after that.  Bummer !!

 We were off to Hy-vee after that to buy some things for what Mom called Easter.  She said there was a special Easter bunny that comes to the house kind of like the big red guy and leaves you treats in a basket.   When we got home I asked Avalon about this and she said it was true and since the Easter bunny is four legged we can even talk to him.   How cool !!  That night when Mom and Dad were asleep Avalon and I asked the Easter bunny if he could come to the house early since we were not going to get to see Miss M and Miss K on Easter.  He said he would.  He must be a really cool guy !

Happy Easter and may the Easter Bunny be nice to you !

 Mom gave me an A+ when we were out running errands.  I don't always get that high of a mark but she told me just like the big red guy the Easter bunny watches you so I thought I better be on my best behavior.  The only one thing Mom said I did was to put my nose in a private place.  I don't understand why she was upset - Avalon and I do that all the time to each other.

The next day Miss M and Miss K came over along with Grandma T and their Mom.  I was sooo excited since the Easter bunny came that night.  Avalon and I even got to meet him.  He hopped instead of walked on his four legs but still he was pretty cool.   He hid the baskets and put notes up around the house for us to try and find them.  Some were easy but some were hard.  It helped to have Easter bunny ears on and I even got to put some ears on too!   Much fun was had by all.  After finding the baskets Miss M took me outside and I practiced commands with her until it started raining.   Mom and Miss K stayed inside and I could hear them talking about gardening stuff.  Miss K is getting a real garden this year in her backyard.

The weekend came again and Mom and Dad took me to run errands with them.  We stopped at the river and walked around.  Lots of new smells so I kept my nose to the ground.  Dad said I was missing the wonderful views but to a puppy smell is what it is all about.    Before we left we took the stuff in the little blue box in the back of the Ford with me and put it into a bigger blue box.  It made a loud noise when Dad dropped them in the small holes.   Dad called it recycling.  He said it was good for our environment.

Easter Sunday finally came but Avalon and I stayed home.  Mom asked me if I wanted to come but Avalon and I had asked the Easter Bunny to come again to our house since we had not gotten our baskets yet.    Mom and Dad were gone for a long time but when they got home there they were.  Two baskets for me and Avalon !  I like this Easter Bunny.  You can talk to him and he understands puppy talk.  Hope everyone had an enjoyable Easter and celebrated in your faith and family.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

What a week it has been :)

What an adventure it was this week!  It started last Sunday with a Spa day at Miss M's Grandma's house.  I soooo love to have Miss M give me a bath and clean my ears.   Miss M wanted me to smell pretty for a presentation in her 4th grade classroom the following day.  Before I came home I worked with Miss M a little on her commands so she would be prepared.  I wanted to make sure she was ready for the next day and we would make a great team.  I am PROUD to say she did a awesome job and I left my wild child at home and was able to let everyone in her class pet me.
After the presentation Miss M had some Guide/Service Puppy activity books and special treats she passed out to her class.   The treats looked just like the ones I do command work with but not one of her classmates had to demonstrate commands to get them.  I didn't think that was fair.  However, Mom told me they were people treats that just looked like puppy treats.

Next, there was a special training session with our personal trainer Kathy but this time it was at our house.  My wild child in me seems to just get out of control when we have visitors come to the house so we thought we would work on house greeting commands.  Miss M sure got them right away but my wild child had issues.  However, things did get better when Miss M put my gentle lead on.   Not to sure I liked that but it did help me concentrate.  I heard Kathy tell Mom that I should always have this on when greeting someone then when I settle down I can have it taken off.  I must try to work hard on my greeting skills because I really don't like the lead on.

The weekend came and it was finally time for our road trip back to KSDS Inc.  It was Spring Graduation for 12 new forever teams.  Mom packed my bag and the car the night before then we got up early the next day since it is a three hour drive to KSDS.  We wanted to be there a little early to give them some donations for the puppies and salad and cookies for the lunch after graduation.  I was soooo excited when it was time to leave that Mom ask me to leave my wild child at home.  I asked myself if I could do that but was not sure it if could happen.

It was a 3 hour drive there so I decided to take a nap.  It was a good thing because it was a long and exciting day! After we arrived and put our things away we met a few of the graduates before the ceremony.  Those forever puppies were sooooo clam that I asked them what they did with their wild child ??  They told me that when you return to KSDS college they have a special evaluation for you and if your wild child has not grown up yet they send you to another school for a short time.    At this school instead of taking your college classes to learn your forever job you continue to work on commands.  I hope my wild child grows up before I go back.

After graduation there was lunch.  I was a little upset about lunch because it was only a lunch for two legged guests so I kind of made it know to Miss M that I was upset.   I even jumped up on Miss M at the table which I found out was not the thing to do.  I got a swift reprimand.  After lunch we got to go on a tour of campus.  Saw the nursery first then the four legged dorm cafeteria.  Boy, there was lots and lots of puppy food there but we didn't get any !!  It was only for the puppies in school.  We visited the dorms next then the nurse's station and beauty/spa shop.   I am glad I got to see all of this so I have an idea of what to expect when I get my turn in day letter for me to come back.  It will be an exciting day and sad day all in one !!

One of the last things before leaving for home I got to see my Mom Bailey again.  I only got to see her through the glass windows because she was in her dorm room in the nursery.   She is a barker so now I know where I get my barking from!

Happy Graduation to the 12 KSDS Inc. Spring Forever Teams !
Me, Miss M, Daddy, Mom and Grandma/pa 

Here is a link to the Graduation - Click on the link below
I hope you can see it !! 

(44) KSDS, Inc - KSDS 2017 Spring graduation