Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Using my Marketing Degree !

 Summer fun with Miss M.  I asked her to come over to practice commands and took her to the basement.  It was just too HOT to go outside.  I don't want her to forget her skills during the summer.  When it is cooler we go to Grandma T's and play/practice. When it cooled down one evening Mom and me headed out to the outdoor concert at Shadow Lake.  I remember going there when I was a puppy in training because Mom said it was a place with a lot of noise and a good place to practice with a lots of distractions.  

I LOVE the weekends with Dad.  We usually get to take a dip in the lake when we go for our walks but usually on Sunday we get our special time with him.  Just Dad, me and Avalon and the yellow ball.  We could do this for hours but Dad gets tired after about an hour or so.  Dad also let me go for another boat ride with him and I called shotgun.  I love riding in the car without wheels and the wind blowing in my face.  I wish Avalon could come with us but she watches from the deck.

Mom packed up my new tote from  KSDS and we went to a special outing just for puppies who needed a home.  Pets of Omaha.  It was soooo cool to see so many other puppies and we handed out lots of info to them about KSDS.  I don't think they were in training but were trying to find forever homes.  I am so glad I have my Mom and Dad forever. When we were at the outing Mom passed out some special cards we had made.  We gave out a whole bunch to two legged people but not one four legged puppy asked for one.  I wish more two legged people understood puppy talk - those puppies could have told their stories and found homes.

Mom, me and Miss M were off again to do another Ambassador Key presentation at Golden Hills. I LOVE doing these and putting my marketing degree to use plus educating kids about proper behavior around service puppies.  Mom packed up my new bag and headed over to Grandma T's to pick up Miss M.  The kids there were really nice and I got to play with them at the end.  Not like I get to play with Miss M because I have to have my proper public persona. Miss M's mom and Miss K came at the end to watch.  Miss M went home with them afterwards.  They had their arms full of puppy stuff when we were leaving so I jumped up and opened the door for them.  Miss M's mom was impressed but it is all in the days work of a service dog.

Mom and me spend a lot of time training her outside plants to grow veggies.  They get more veggie food then we get puppy food.  It has been so HOT that the plants were protecting their veggies and not sprouting but this weekend Mom found lots of them.  I heard Mom say they would be for dinners and some she was going to give away.  I don't understand someone giving their food away after spending all that time training them but that is two legged people for you.

 It was a busy week because Mom, me and Miss M did another presentation.  This time at Walnut Creek.  Mom and me loaded up and headed off while Miss M and her Mom met us there.  Miss M's Dad and Miss K came a little later to watch us.  There was also a person with a BIG camera taking pictures and asked us lots of questions.  He was cool - He understood puppy talk.  He told me he was doing a story for the paper.

After we left we
 headed over to Grandma K's house.  I have not seen Grandma K since I came back from college.  She went on a long trip and was out of town.  There was a nice two legged person there too and he gave me treats. His name was Mr. Jim.  I hope he is there every time I come.  I love treats of any kind.  He has a special treat jar right by the front door and a water bowl on the floor.  I tried to thank him for the treats but unfortunately he doesn't understand puppy talk.

It was exciting at our house yesterday.  A NEW puppy from KSDS stopped by and I got to meet him.  His name is Huxley from the Mountain peaks group.  His puppy raisers - Bob and Shirley - are good friends of my Mom and Dad and live on a  lake kind of on the other side of town.  Mom showed them some of my training stuff and the puppy diaper bag she had put together for when I was a puppy in training and might have an issue with "hurry up" when out.  Mom said we will get to visit them when Huxley gets a little older and can play.  He is only 8 weeks old right now.

Mom got a new decoration for our front yard.  She was sooooo excited when it came.  I don't understand why she had to put it out for everyone to see and air as she says "Our dirty laundry"

Hope you are having a wonderful summer !

Sunday, July 8, 2018

It is SUMMER time !

 Summer is here and we are all spending a lot of time outside.  After coming back from KSDS College I had to wait a little bit to see Miss M.  Boy, was I ever excited, but we practiced my greeting skills I learned at KSDS and things went a little smoother.  I just love Miss M and it is just so hard not to get excited and forget everything I learned.  I taught Miss M some new commands and she caught on quickly.  I would give her an A.  These new  commands we will demonstrate when we go out and do presentations along with some of the old ones.  Miss M really knows those. 

Mom and me went out shopping for some new jewelry at Pet Smart.  New bling to put on my collar that tells everyone who I am, and in case I lose my Mom or get lost they know who to contact.  Boy, I am glad Mom did that.  I would never what to lose mom or dad.

 Mom and Dad put the car that drives on the water in the lake.  Avalon and I watched from the deck then all of a sudden Dad asked if I wanted to go for a ride.  I took off as fast as I could and hopped in the boat.  Avalon stayed at home.  She gets car sick
and didn't want to take her pink pill that would make it OK for her to ride.  Dad is sooo cool spending time with us on the beach doing our most favorite activity - jumping and fetching balls in the lake.  Dad, me and Avalon spend hours at a time playing this game.  I take in a lot of water swimming so I have to be diligent about it coming back out the other end.   Almost didn't make it out to break one time so now Dad watches Avalon and I closely and takes us out for several breaks after swimming.

Miss M came over a week or so ago and it was bath time but this time outside.  It sure wasn't like the spa days at Grandma T's house but I sure did smell nice afterwards.  After my bath I practiced some commands with Miss M since we had a big day coming up- Our first presentation
as Ambassador Key and Miss M.
The next day we all loaded up and off we went over the river to Heartland Child Care Center in Council Bluffs.  Mom talked for a bit then showed a slide show to the kids.  Afterwards, I demonstrated some of my commands with Miss M then she answered some questions the kids had.  She did a great job.  She even let some of the kids pet me after we were done. However, I had to be on my best behavior.  Not as fun as if playing and being petted by Miss M but it was OK. There was someone there with a camera and took pictures of us and interviewed me.  Can't believe it - She understood puppy talk !!

When Mom and me were walking home from Grandma T's house one day we saw Alpha with Christina his puppy raiser.  I was tired from command training with Miss M but found some energy to play with Alpha.  Boy is he active.  That is a 10 month old puppy for you.  I remember when I was that age.  Mom told me she thinks he was kind of smitten with me.  He kept giving me kisses.  He is too young for me plus he will be going off to KSDS college soon.

Independence Day was a blast again here at the lake.  We had two legged company and a little four legged guy named Frankie came to visit too.  He had never been to a lake or swimming so he had to wear this funny floating thing on his back.  I am not to sure he was really enjoying it but
liked hanging out on the beach.  Avalon and I tried to show him how fun it is to jump off the dock but he was having none of it.  Miss M came over and I spent time with her at Grandma T's house.  I was there for about three hours so when I got home I had dinner and fell asleep before the lights in the sky. Kind of upset that I missed them but Avalon said they were cool even though she watched them from inside.  She doesn't like the loud noise.

When I was with Miss M she taught me how to Kayak.  How cool is that.  It is like our car in the water but much smaller and you have to paddle to make it go.  I let Miss M do all the paddling and I just relaxed and enjoyed the ride.

Happy Independence Day !!