Saturday, June 2, 2018

Hello World Here I Come !!

Where do I begin ??  It has been a world wind seven months with soooo many things happening and changing !  Where do I begin ?

I guess I will begin with heading off to KSDS College last October.  Mom and Dad along with Miss M had been preparing me for that day from the moment they became my puppy raisers.  I didn't really understand what we were doing with all of the command training but I went along with it because treats usually followed.  I would do anything for a treat.  We practiced what Mom called life skills and proper social interaction.  I didn't always earn A's but I sure tried.

Then on that wonderful fall day and with all of my stuff packed up we headed out.  First, we took a long walk around the lake and Dad talked to me about College life and what was ahead.  I wish I had paid more attention since when it was time for me to head to the College dorms I will admit I was really frightened and wished Mom and Dad would just let me come back home.  I tried to hide my tears when I saw them tearing up and I think I did a good job.  I waited till I got in my dorm room where they were not allowed.

The first night was frightening.  There were other puppies there - some my brothers and sisters - but I felt all alone.  A Commander at KSDS came to my room before bed time and comforted  me and explained what would be happening the next day.  I felt better and was able to fall asleep.

The next day we all had breakfast and some free time to arrange our rooms and get to know the surroundings.  After that we had an orientation.  My litter mates and me were evaluated and then assigned our freshman classes in command skills.  It was pretty easy after that.  We had basically the same routine for some time.

Then one day we all loaded up in a big bus and headed off.  This was close to Christmas.  I thought we were all going home for break but we headed off to a new command school.  It was a little scary to go to another school but those commanders were nice too.  It was different than KSDS College.  It was a college inside of something called a penitentiary.  Not sure what that is but here the commanders stayed with us at all times - not like at KSDS College where the commanders went home at night.

We practiced more command skills at the penitentiary.  When we finished all of our classes we would then head back to KSDS to start advance training.  One at a time we would meet with a commander and pick our area of specialty - Guide, Service, Facility.  I picked Facility and was assigned to commander Letha.  These classes were more challenging than basic command classes and I had to be on my paws all the time.

However, all of a sudden I wasn't feeling that great.  Commander Letha took me to the school health clinic and they discovered I had an infection.  I was prescribed meds and a special puppy food and had to spend time in the infirmary.  I could not attend my classes so I had to be pulled from spring graduation.  I went back to the penitentiary while the other spring graduates continued training.

After spring graduation Letha was again working on facility classes so I returned.  I was so excited to see commander Letha.  We picked up where we left off so I could be in the next graduating class.  Then the most exciting thing happened.  Instead of going to the penitentiary over spring break I got to go with Letha on a road trip.  It was a long drive so commander Letha and I had some long talks about my career path.  We talked about my slight health issue and sometimes me liking to announce bark so we decided I should take another direction in my training.  It was a Marketing Degree.  This is a new degree career change choice and I am the first to partake.  Commander Letha called Mom and told her I was going to be a career change puppy with a career change job.  Ambassador Key !!  Mom was sooooo excited I would be graduating with a marketing degree and coming back home to them to be their forever puppy with a job.

 The day finally came soon after that and Mom and Dad drove down to KSDS College to attend my private graduation ceremony.  It had been a long road to get there but it was all worth it.  Commander Letha showed my parents lots of the skills I had learned so we could use them when we are out marketing how wonderful KSDS Inc. is and what a difference they make in the life of their forever partners.  I was so excited when I saw Mom sign my adoption papers and that day will become our "Got You Day."  At the end I was given my new Vest with my graduation diploma.

Finally, it was time to leave-so off we went!  I was sad to leave KSDS and even sadder to leave Commander Letha.  I shed a few tears but was excited to be coming back home.  The drive could not go fast enough.  It was a little cramped in the car since Letha loaded us up with marketing materials we would need for our special presentations.  I am excited to go out with Miss M and Mom soon.

Arrived home in the evening and guess who was waiting for me !!  Avalon.  We greeted and sniffed each other and all was good.  We played for a bit then it was dinner.  I remembered all the stuff I needed to remember.  Dog bowl, kitchen treat jar, bedroom treat jar and toy chest.  My private kennel was up so I knew things were just like before.  We took a walk around the lake before bed time and I caught up on all of my smells !

It has been great to be back home.  Mom said I get a break from command training for a bit but that was kind of misleading.  I still have to demonstrate what I have learned when Mom or Dad give a command.  Mom said it was just my advance commands that I get a break from.

 Since being home I have gotten to go on walks, swim in the lake and even get the yellow ball that I could not have before and even sleep in.  We celebrated Memorial Day and I had my first road trip since being home.  Went and saw Grandma Schense at the nursing home and then to my Dad's fathers grave site at the cemetery. Dad said his father was a veteran and served our country honorably.  Lots of time outside since Mom and Dad were working on the garden and planting flowers.  It is soooooo good to be home.

Now that I have graduated and have found my purpose it is off to discover my new world.  I am sure it will be filled with many wonderful experiences but also some challenging ones too.   I know Mom and Dad will always be there for me along with Avalon.  It has been a journey to get here but one I will never forget.  I miss all of my commanders and friends at KSDS College especially Commander Letha.  Everyone was so nice to me and taught me so many wonderful things.  I promises to carry on with my training you provided me and make you PROUD !!!