Sunday, June 23, 2019

Summer is Here !

Summer is definitely here.  Hot temps so our weekday and weekend walks now happen early in the morning.  No swimming in the lake yet because of the flood but I heard Mom last night say it might be time.  I am soooooo ready to play ball with Dad off of the dock.  By the way, the dock has finally been fixed but the car with no wheels isn't parked in it ?  I hope they get it in soon so we can go for rides.  I love the wind in my ears.

We had another Doggie birthday in the house.  Avalon is now 8 years old or in human years 56.   Dad said something about she belongs in AARP ??  Miss M, Grandma T, Mom and me all went for a Birthday walk together.  I think Avalon thought  there might be a surprise party planned over on the dike but we just played with some other puppies who live out here.  Later in the day we sang "Happy Birthday" to Avalon and she got special treats.  I got some too  :)

 Miss M is a BIG College Baseball fan.  They even had a tailgate party when LSU played.  Miss M invited me, her cousin along with some family and friends.  It was at Grandma T's house.  There were LSU
decorations and some really good people-smelling food.  Mom came over and watched some of the game but I stayed longer.  Dad and I sometimes watch baseball in the garage.  That is one of our favorite places to watch.

Mom, me and Miss M did our first presentation of the Summer.  Dad took me out bright and early for a walk and to do my business.  Mom went for a walk too then we all got dressed to head out when Miss M came over.  It was an adventure to get there.  First, there was a car accident and we had to detour off of the road we were on.  Miss M got out her cell phone and typed in the address to where we were going so we had new directions.  However, on one of the roads we turned on it was closed because of constructions so another detour!  We had left early so we still showed up on time.  We met Miss Paula and she showed us where to go.  Miss M and Mom set everything up and off we went with the presentation when the kiddos showed up.  Had to kind of remember everything from last summer but I think we did a good job. I really like doing these with Miss M!

Summer means outdoor concerts at Shadow Lake Mall.   We headed out  Friday of Father's Day weekend to start the celebration.  I wore my cape and we passed out info about KSDS.  There was one guy who had a lot of questions.  He said he might be interested in being a Volunteer Puppy Raiser.  Hope so !!  It would be nice to have another puppy in town.  I think Alpha who was being puppy raised here has gone back to KSDS to start his command training. After the concert we were given permission to have some dinner at Nebraska Brewery.  We ate outside since it was so nice.  No people food for me - just some puppy treats.

Father's Day for my Daddy !!  We went on our normal weekend walk then did some chores around the yard.  I thought Dad had the day off but he said there was just soooo much to do yet with the flood and beach.  Later in the day my two legged sister Meghann came over.  BBQ and Dad got his Daddy's Day gifts.  He got a lot of things for some animals that fly in the air - I hope he doesn't start going for walks with them and hanging out !

The next week I thought we were going to go do a presentation since I was in my cape but we went to a Mall I have never been to before and meet a person from NOAH.  Her name was Renee and she had her niece with her.  Another person named Vicky was there but Mom and I didn't talk with her much.  She was testing Mom and me to be a NOAH Crisis Team Member.  I used the commands I learned at KSDS College and came out with flying colors.  However, the only thing I was dinged on was rolling over when I was getting petted.  I guess they don't want our feet up in the air because they might scratch someone when providing comfort.  I hope soon I will have a dual Ambassadorship. NOAH has to come and watch me several times to make sure I know my commands out in public just like when I was tested.  If all goes well,  I can do presentations and crisis team work.  I wish I had been certified when the flood hit our Village - I could have been working here.  I hope there is not another crisis but if there is I will be ready!

I miss Miss M - The College World Series has been here in Omaha and they almost live there while the games are being played.  I sure wish they let Ambassadors go - I would love to be Miss M right hand dog keeping score.

       Hope you are enjoying your Summer !   
 Stayed tuned for some of our other adventures coming soon !

Monday, June 3, 2019

A lot of spring clean up going on !!

There has not been a lot of Ambassador time going on lately.  Mom and Dad have been spending most of their spare time out in the yard cleaning up and planting flowers and some veggies.  We won't have much of a garden because the main part of it was flooded and you can't plant for 120 days after the flood.  Mom and I only planted 7 tomato plants and some cucumbers in the landscaping.  Dad planted a bunch of bushes. I marked my calendar and told Mom maybe we can plant some fall veggies ??
Mom and I have been busy setting up KSDS presentations for the summer with Miss M.  Going to two YMCAs, two libraries, Pick-a-Pooch Puppy Expo and Nebraska Humane Society Walk for the Animals.  I asked Mom maybe we can schedule one or two more because I love doing these with Miss M.  

Hope you enjoy some pictures and with the start of summer - 
Have a GREAT one  !!!!!

A few of the tomato plants which means salsa making this fall

Dad planting new bushes around the flag

Sister Aunna and my four legged cousin Frankie stopped over on Mother's day

My Grandma K also stopped over on Mother's day

KSDS puppy in training Alpha came out to the lake and we got to play -
He is sooo BIG

Miss M, Grandma T, Me, Avalon and Mom all went for a walk and saw the BIG trucks at the lake.  They are fixing the levee so hopefully no more flooding

Sister Meghann celebrated her first year of the opening of her juice bar.  

Mom changing the marquee at the lake
Dad and his dad have new plaques at the Wahoo Veterans Memorial

Playing with Dad while he takes a break from cleaning in the yard

First BBQ of the summer and guess what ??  No puppy BBQ just the same old dry food.  No fair !!

Dad brought out the TV on the deck.  That means baseball and peanuts with Dad.

The house on wheels showed up again.  I love camping !!  Hope we go out soon !!

I always call "Shot Gun" in our home on wheels

Dad put up his new flag late this year.  Usually on Memorial Day but we had bad storms so he waited
Dad showing off his muscles.  Some young two legged guys came over and they moved the dock back out in the lake.  Can't wait for Dad, me and Avalon to play ball and jump off of the dock

More cleaning up in the lake.
Stopping for a picture on our weekend walk with Dad and Mom

I keep telling Mom we are "Not Crazy Dogs"  We just like to greet company !!