Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Spending lots of time at HOME !

Sorry, I have not posted in some time but things have really changed in my world and around the world.  It started slowly with some of our presentations getting canceled and Mom spending more time at home.  Then Dad started to spend more time at home.  Not that I don't like it - I do - but they always seem to be on the computers during the day so I can't get on, plus it is hard for Avalon and I to get all of our power naps in during the day.  However, one GREAT thing is that Dad now usually takes us to a local school just about every night and let's us run and play ball.  Avalon can even make it to the fields without getting car sick so a BIG plus !

Mom and Dad sat down with us when an order was put into place to stay at home unless you are an essential worker or business.  They explained there is some type of bug called Covid-19 that is making people sick not just here but around the world.  I told Mom I saw some bug killer in the garage and why don't they use that to kill the bug but she said it was a virus bug and you can't see it.  Mom does have something she uses to kill the bug in our house and it sure smells like we are at a hospital.  I remember that was how it smelled when I was there.  Mom and Dad also have these masks they wear when they leave the house.  Mom rarely leaves the house because just about everything is closed so she now orders groceries and other things on the computer.  I always alert Mom when a package arrives at the house.  I feel it is the one way I can help.

We have had several social distancing activities as Mom calls them here at the lake.  There was a teacher's parade (training schools are closed), village pizza delivery twice, a food truck to celebrate a birthday, two food drives and three boat drive up music concerts.

Dad still goes to his office since he is self employed and the only person there. They closed the Courts so his cases were all postponed for around six weeks but he did do something called "Zoom" and "Webex" meetings.  He started to go back to Court last week but he wears a mask and uses something on his hands that has that funny smell to it.

My two legged sister Aunna who is a nurse was working with people here who got the bug.  However, Mom said they put her job on hold and she wasn't working.  I was hoping to get to spend more time with her but Mom said since she was exposed to people who had the bug it wasn't safe.  About two weeks ago she left for Howard University Hospital in Washington DC to help with sick people there.  Mom said there are many more sick people there and they needed more health care workers.  We are proud of her and her desire to help others but can't wait till she is home again safe and sound.

My other two legged sister Meghann has a business that Mom said they called non-essential so she had to close her juice bar for a couple of weeks.  Later, she was able to open it but no one was allowed inside.  She could take juices out to people who drove up plus she started delivering.   Just recently they are allowing 10 people in a business like hers at a time but she has decided to just do drive up and delivery for now.  This coming weekend will be her second year anniversary of her juice bar opening but things sure are not the same.

Easter came and went this year.  Church service was on TV and the Easter bunny who I really like didn't make an appearance this year.  Mom took some pictures of baskets full of eggs to send to my two legged sisters but there were no goodies in them.  Mom and me decorate the marquee which is always fun.

It finally warmed up and we got to get out in the yard and do some things we normally get to do.  I helped Dad get the lawn mower up and running and Avalon and I supervised Mom and Dad while they cleaned up the yard and beach  It seems funny doing something normal was sooooo exciting !!  We still have to plant the garden and flowers.  It has either been too cool to plant or raining, but hopefully this week and over this coming weekend we will be out.

I have not seen Miss M for over two months. They closed her command training school and she now has classes on the computer at home.  I hope I don't have to do a lot of command re-training with her when we get to see each other again.  There have been command school graduations going on but Mom said they can't get together like before so they are doing ones on the computer.  Mom and I hope to brighten their day on one of the graduation days.

I am sooooo excited to announce there is a NEW KSDS puppy in training here in Omaha.  Mom and Dad's friends -Bob and Shirley Corn.  They raised a puppy named Huxley. He has been back at KSDS command school but like so many graduations his has been put on hold too.  A few weeks ago they drove to KSDS and picked up Amigo.  I am so excited to go visit him but it might be a while with social distancing still in place.  I could teach him puppy commands. Maybe Miss M and I can come over this summer and teach him commands.

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