Thursday, June 29, 2017

 Mom and Dad finally put the car that goes in the water in the lake.  First some workers came and did some work on the parking spot it goes in.  Avalon and I watched from the deck.  There were some BIG machines that lifted the boat dock up then put some more floating things under it.  The next day Mom and Dad put the car in and took a ride around the lake.  Avalon and I didn't get to go because Dad said he wanted to make sure everything worked before he let us ride around.  I sure hope it is soon because I sure liked boating with Miss M when they took their pontoon out.

 Mom works in her garden just about every evening.  Sometimes she lets Avalon and I play in the lake while she is watering the plants.  Not as much when she is busy because no one is throwing the ball for us.  Dad planted some berry bushes so along with veggie's from the garden Mom said we will have fruit !

 Miss M and her family went on vacation and were gone for a week.  I sure missed her.  I was hoping I would get to go along but there just wasn't room in the car.  Miss M said she would tell me all about her adventurers when she got home.

About a week or so ago we had a STORM to beat all storms here at the lake.  Dad got home just before it came and he took his flag down.  He was soooo glad he did.  There were winds up to 80 miles an hour plus an EF 1 and EF 2 tornado.  We were all in the kitchen.  Mom was cooking dinner and Dad and I were watching out the sliding door when the storm hit.  It rained so hard that you could not see anything outside and then all of a sudden a siren went off and the lights went out.
After the storm we went outside.  There were trees down everywhere in people's yards, on their houses and in the road so no one could drive up and down.   It was really dark because there were no

 lights on.  Dad and Mom walked around a little bit and helped clear out a big tree in the road so cars could pass then we all went to bed.  The next day was Saturday and we took our usual walk around the lake and saw soooo much damage everywhere.  Boats were flipped in the water, boat docks were floating around the lake, houses had damage and some had roof damage.  People were missing outdoor furniture that had
 blown in the lake.  They put a flag up so no one could boat in the lake.  We still didn't have lights so when it was dinner time Dad had to make dinner outside.

The next day Mom bought a very noisy machine that made the lights come back on at least for some of the things in the house.
Mom and Dad put all of their food into the garage fridge and the freezer in the basement so it would not spoil.  Thank goodness puppy food does not have to be in the fridge and could have spoiled.  The lights did not come back on for four days.

During the next week Mom and
Dad spent a lot of time cleaning up around the yard.  Avalon and I spent time outside with them watching but not much time playing.  Miss M and her family were busy most of the week too.  Something call baseball and the College World Series.  Miss M and Miss K went to a lot of the games with their grandparents then the weekend came and Mom and Dad went to some games too.  We had to stay at home.  Mom could not find a puppy in training ticket for me to go in and watch the game.  When they went to the game on Friday they went to a tail gate party with Miss M and family.  On Saturday they had special tickets that were in a club house.  Since Avalon and I didn't get to go Dad turned on the game on the TV on the deck in the evening so we could watch.  Dad felt bad that we had to stay home both Friday and Saturday that he let me do a sleep over in the bedroom with them.  It was my first time. Avalon gets to sleep there every night.  Dad said I did Ok till around 5:00am.  I thought it was time to get up since it was getting light outside.

 Avalon and I get to go swimming in the lake just about everyday
either with Mom when we go for our bike ride during the week or with Mom and Dad when we go for our weekend walks.  Dad said I am a BIG jumper girl now just like Avalon.  Dad will throw the ball and we race down the boat dock and jump in.  We have to bring the ball back to Dad so he will throw it back in the lake for us.  Avalon and I can do this for hours.

Here is a video link to KSDS Inc.  It is sooo cool to watch the puppies at KSDS grow up !! 
Hope you can open it and watch  :)

KSDS Inc. is also having a name the puppies game.  If you want to play click on the link. 

Hope you are having a wonderful summer !!  I sure am.  Miss M is going to be coming over soon and I heard her say we are going to plan some great training trips for the rest of the summer now that things have kind of slowed down.  I am excited and can't wait  :)

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