Sunday, March 5, 2017

A Special Day Happened for me !!

Before I get to my special day let me tell you about Avalon and my Spa Day and a few other exciting things.

First, Spa Day - Mom told Dad not to give us breakfast before we left but Dad felt sorry for us and let us have a half breakfast.  Mom did not know about this but found out when we got out of the back of the Ford at the groomers and Avalon left a surprise in the back.  Her breakfast was all over the back and I felt the need to flip it around some to make what Mom said was a bigger mess!  We had fun at the groomers and when Mom came back to get us the mess was gone.  Good thing because it kind of had an icky smell.

Second - Here in Nebraska the weather changes all the time.  A few days after our spa day we went for our usual bike ride around the lake and for the first time in a while we got to go swimming.  The water was kind of cold but the temp in the air was almost 70 degrees so we warmed up fast.  It was nice for about a week with warm temps but then some of that funny white stuff came back and so did the COLD temps.  We missed a few days out walking with Mom but dad braved the cold and took us out.
           Now for the SPECIAL Day - My 1st Birthday !!

First thing in the morning Avalon told me all about Birthdays and Birthday parties and how exciting they are. Then when Mom got up she baked me a special doggie birthday cake.  It had flour, honey, carrots and peanut butter along with a few other things.  It smelled soooo good when it was baking. Next, Mom put up some birthday decorations and then we waited for Miss M and Grandma T to come over.  I had to wait all afternoon for the party so when it was time my "wild child "got the best of me and things kind of when downhill for a bit.  Mom said I did everything a guide/service puppy in training was not to do.  I jumped, barked, ran around the house and tried to sneak a piece of cake early.  Miss M gave me my birthday gifts and I tore them open with my teeth which ended up with me eating some card board.  Not that tasty.  Mom told me to settle down but I just couldn't get myself under control so I had to eat my birthday cake in the mud room.  Avalon got hers on a pretty birthday plate in the kitchen.

There was another Birthday in the house this week too.  My two legged Dad had his birthday a few days after mine.  He is much older then me and told me I could not tell everyone his age but in dog years he is a little over 8 and a half years.  I thought there was going to be another birthday party at the house but Mom and Dad went out and left Avalon and me at home.  We weren't too happy about that.  However, when they came home they told us all about their adventures.  Dad even won some $$ at a place called a casino.

This week I also had two teachable moments as Mom calls them.  First one was the smoke detectors in our house and what they sound like and what you need to do when you hear them.  Mom was frying some chicken and the house kind of got smokey and all of a sudden there was this high pitch sound that was beeping very loudly.  Mom stayed in the house cooking but Dad did a practice fire drill with Avalon and me and we ran outside.  Dad told us as soon as you get outside you should call the fire department so they can come and put the fire out.  Good thing to know.  

The second teachable moment was just as important.  We were out on our weekend walk when this siren went off which Dad says warns people of bad weather and something called a tornado.  Dad said they were just testing them so we didn't need to worry, but if
there was a tornado coming we would all need to go to the basement of our house and get undercover.  I hope that never happens !

We went on a few trips to the stores in between snow storms.  I just do not like the icky stuff they put on the streets that make my feet so hot so I get to stay home when it is put down.  Maybe I should put my boots on and go but I would just rather stay home with Avalon and play.  

I didn't get to practice a lot with Miss M because she is busy with basketball practice and tournaments but we did get to practice one day in the snow.  I did commands with her and she got an A- for the day along with me practicing with my snow boots.   They feel funny but sure did keep my feet warm plus very stylish !!

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