Sunday, October 23, 2016

Fall has been BUSY !

 Fall, I have been told means

is around the corner.  I am not sure what that is but I do know it means buying funny round orange things called pumpkins at the farm. Dad loaded us all up and off we went.  While Mom was looking at the funny things in the barn Dad and I went and saw some big birds that have their own house.  That is cool.  It was just like a dog house.  After Mom bought her supply we stopped and looked at some four legged animals that thought I looked funny.  They asked me why my fur was soooo black.  I told them I came that way.  They also asked me about the vest I had on so I told them I was in training to be a service dog but that was a ways away.  Right now I am in puppy training.

 I thought it was time to start getting cold here in Nebraska but Mom and Dad have been out on the boat a few more times.  They keep saying they are going to take the boat out of the water but then say maybe next weekend ??  Just one more ride.  Avalon and I have even been swimming in the lake on our walks around the lake.  I know I have a fur coat that keeps me warm while swimming but I must admit the water is getting colder.  I don't care though - I could swim everyday !

 I sooooo miss by best buddy Miss M.  She has to go to her two legged school five days a week which means I don't get to spend as much time with her as I did this summer. Sometimes though she will surprise me and come over and off we will go to play. I have her work on her commands.  I hope she doesn't get rusty on them since we are not working on them as often.  However, I have taught Mom commands so we still work on them so I can get treats.
 Miss M's Grandma has those funny round orange things in the front of her house just like Mom.  Miss M was telling me about Trick or Treating on Halloween and that she was going to be here and I could go with her and Miss K.  She said you wear funny outfits and get treats when you go up to someone's house.  You don't even have  to do commands.  How cool !!

 I want to tell you about two little girls I met at Hy-Vee with my Mom.  They get excited just like I do sometimes when I meet new people.  They were telling my Mom that their Mom has a service puppy.  Her puppy is being trained here in Omaha.  I tried to tell them I know commands and I could teach them but I think they already knew them.  I did still get a treat !!

The weekend came and that meant HUSKER football.   We went for our weekend walk plus swimming then it was game time.  Mom stayed in the kitchen and wore some funny stuff and cut up hot peppers.  We had to stay in the mud room just in case a hot seed would fall on the floor and Avalon and  I would make a dive for it.  Dad had all of the TVs I think in the house on and he paced between them.  So sometimes we got to watch with him and other times we couldn't find him.  I don't really understand football but I do know we won.  Mom took me out for a victory picture.  Won't be picking me up much more.

 Milo asked his Mom to call my Mom to see if I wanted to go on a training trip to a Halloween store.  I said yes and guess who else was there - My sister Wheels. We played for a little while outside then went inside the store.  There were some scary musical monsters right when we got in but all three of us were big troopers and just walked right by them.We then walked around and looked at all of the cool stuff in the store.  Mom asked if they had any outfits for puppies but they only had a few and I was NOT going to put those on.  They were for baby puppies and I am too old for that!!

After we walked around we went
back outside and all us puppies hung out while the mommies talked.  It was cool to have someone other then Avalon to talk to.  Milo, Wheels and I talked about all of our adventures and what costumes we were wearing for Halloween.

Mom and Dad spent an evening with my two - two legged sisters.  Since Mom and Dad did not take me I need to wish them my sisters a

My two legged sister's birthday are two weeks apart so they celebrated them together.  Grandma Keuter took everyone out at the Grand Lodge restaurant where she lives.   Mom's brother was there too along with his wife.  I did not get to go because Mom thought I was too tired from our field trip earlier.

Milo and me had another training field trip and this time Grandma T came.  It was in a store like the grocery store we go to all the time but it was much bigger.  Things started out Ok but for some reason I just got really excited seeing Milo's Mom Debbie that I started jumping on her and things kind of went downhill a little.  Debbie took me outside and had a talk with me then we came back inside. I told Mom I was sorry for my behavior and would try not to get so excited again.  I don't know if she understood my words but she could see how sorry I was by me trying to snuggle with her.

While I was outside Mom and Grandma T walked Milo around the store. I was kind of jealous but Milo told me it was cool and that he has had to leave a store before when he got too excited.

Now, let me tell you about yesterday.  I heard Mom and Dad talking about going to go see the HUSKERS play and Avalon and I were going to get a babysitter.  I was overjoyed when I found out it was Miss M and Grandma T.

First we went on our weekend walk then Grandma T came in her car and picked me up.  I didn't know I was going to get to go on a training field trip while they were babysitting.  Avalon didn't get to go but she said she was happy staying at home and relaxing.

First, we went to see some really nice older people and listened to Miss K play her violin.   I stayed on the floor and listened with Miss M.  Miss M and Miss K's parents were there and we had a great time together.  After listening to music Miss M, Grandma T and me went out to eat. I thought that meant every one was going to get to eat including me but that was not to happen.  I did a good job at down and under and waited for them to finish their treats.  Next, we went and visited Grandma T's parents at a beautiful cemetery and then came home.  I was so excited to get back home that I was able to escape and run down to the lake and try to take a dip.  I don't think Miss M and Grandma T were very happy about that !  I hope every time we have a babysitter it is that FUN !


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