Monday, July 4, 2016

Holiday on the Lake

It has been kind of boring here at the Lake recently.  Last week Mom was really busy, Miss. M was at Vacation Bible School and Miss C. had family stuff going on.  I wonder how many litter mates Miss C has ?  I miss them so much when they don't come over that I get soooooo excited when they do that I leak.  My Mom is not too happy about that and I have to stay in the mud room till I settle down.  Mom also tells me I am still working on those terrible two's and she can't wait till I grow out of them ?

 I had a great spa afternoon with Miss C.  I really do think she is going to be a groomer when she grows up.  This time she even gave me a luxury bath along with styling my fur, freshening up my ears, cleaning my teeth and massaging my paws.   Miss C did a much better job with my nails then Mom.  Mom cut my nails and one had a little red stuff coming out.  She put some yellow nail stuff on it so all was OK.  I am still training Miss C to do commands and each time we do them I get a treat.  How GREAT it that !!

Mom and Dad went to something called the College World Series - A baseball game.  Mom said I had to stay home because I don't have my training vest yet.  They were gone all afternoon so Avalon and I just hung out.  Glad Avalon understands puppy talk - we talked about what it is like when you get to go out with Mom.
When Mom and Dad got back they put their new outdoor TV up and I got to watch a game.  It is kind of like when I play fetch with Mom except instead of throwing the ball they try and hit it with a long stick.  After a bit Avalon and I got bored so Dad threw ice cubes out on the deck for us to chase then we played till I got sleepy and took a nap.  It was dark when we came in and bed time so every one took a "hurry up" and headed to their beds.  I wish Mom understood puppy talk so I could ask her why Avalon gets to sleep with them in their bedroom and I have to sleep in my den out in the living room.

Finally Miss M came over and again I was soooo excited I leaked.  I had another fun spa day then I worked with Miss M on her commands.  However, being in my terrible two's as Mom says thing were a little more challenging.   I think everyone will be glad when I outgrow them.  I don't think they are so bad but what do I know as a little puppy.  I heard something about the terrible teens ?  It is something like the terrible two's but you are older ?  Miss M went with us to the Heartland Vet this week.  I heard the Vet say this is my last set of shots.  I heard Mom talking to the Vet about my leaking and if she thought something was wrong so the Vet tried to get a sample but I didn't have any hurry up in there.

Later, Mom was running around following me with a potty container and put it under me when I hurried up.  Dad took it to the Vet and she said everything was OK - I just need to settle down and not get to excited.   I am not sure how to do that because I just love everyone and love to play with everyone.  Mom said I need some little pink pills but the pill she gave me this week were brown so no bugs will get inside of me then something on my back so no bug will bite me.  I get them on the 1st of each month.

I finally got to go into the BIG bath tub out in the back yard that Mom and Dad call a lake,  I wasn't to sure about everything at first then Avalon kind of showed me the ropes and off we went.  I don't think I have had that much FUN since I came home with Mom.  We played in the sand digging, played in the water and jumped off the shore station.  Dad gave me a few swimming lessons and I heard him say he thinks I am a natural.  I need some more lessons though until Mom and Dad will let me go out in the lake where they say the water will be over my head.  Avalon gets to play with a yellow ball but I  have to play with a big orange tube.  I guess I am not allowed to play with balls.  I like my orange toy better.  It is easier to find in the water.

 Let me tell you now about a Holiday my Mom and Dad call Independence Day - July 4th.  We started the day by taking our weekend walk around the lake.  We saw some people putting up these big rockets out on the dike.  Avalon started telling me about all the LOUD noises they will make tonight and she does not like it.  Mom and Dad spent the afternoon putting up red, white and blue decorations and fixing some BBQ food.  I tried asking Mom if Avalon and I were going to get some BBQ but lunch was only our Science Diet kibbles.  I was waiting all day to get to go over to Miss M's house.  She was having some of her two legged friends over and she wanted me to meet them,   Mom and Dad packed up my bag and we were off around dinner time.  It was sooooo much fun !!  I got to play with everyone, we did some commands so I could get some treats then there was a flag ceremony.  There was music and singing then they took down the US Flag and folded it.  I was wondering after Miss M got done doing her flag folding command if she was going to get a treat ?

When it started to get dark we headed home.  Mom and Dad wanted to make sure Avalon was OK and get everyone ready for the BIG bang noises.  Some were already starting but I was a big girl and was not frightened like Avalon said I might be.  When we did get home Avalon was frightened though and I found her in my kennel hiding.  I tried to comfort her but she said she would be OK after the fireworks show.  Mom took me outside with her and I watched some of the show but did come back in when it got really loud.  I was not frightened - the noise just hurt my ears.  Everyone got to stay up past our bedtime because the noise kept going on and on after the show.  Mom and Dad ate dinner really late and I was hoping they were going to share but nothing !  I just don't understand why we get the same thing everyday and they get all kinds of different food ?

Happy Independence Day  U.S.A  -  July 4th 

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