Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Fall in Nebraska is Football

Dad says there is nothing like Fall and Nebraska football !!  Mom is in charge of the marquee at the entrance to our lake and we always post something new each weekend before the game.

Grandma T asked Mom if she wanted to meet Miss M's new big four legged puppy.  Mom said yes and so did I.  However, Grandma T said the new big puppy is just getting to know his surroundings so maybe next time I can go.  Miss M is doing command training with him.  I wonder if he can sit, stay or rollover like I can?  Mom took pictures for me to look at and boy is he BIG.  He is so big he even has his own house and bedroom.  He also has his own special house on wheels when he travels.  How cool is that !! His name is Dakota.

Mom and I visited with Kelly at the Papillion Public Library.  We talked about me coming to do another presentation then planning other activities at the Library.  Story time with the kids, some special events and other activities.  Kelly just started her job at the Library so is just getting to know the ins and outs. As she gets more familiar with her job we will plan other activities.  I tried to tell her about some of our other activities we have done with kids but she doesn't understand puppy talk.  It was fun though to visit again and see some of the library staff.  They are so nice and gave me lots of belly rubs and even some kisses.
We watch Nebraska football every Saturday here at our house but this one Saturday was special.  That is what dad said anyway.  Something called ESPN was live in Lincoln Nebraska talking about football all morning before the Huskers played.  Dad had five TVs on so he could watch it from about every room in the house.  Mom stayed mostly in the kitchen canning tomatoes and watching.  Thank goodness it was the nice canning stuff and not the icky smelly relish she makes that has vinegar in it.

 The next day we harvested our fall vegetables.   Some long orange things.  I guess they tasted OK but not really my thing.  Mom diced them all up and she said she uses them in stews and soups in the fall and winter.  I bet I won't see any of them in my fall dog food dinners.  I just don't understand why there has to be people food and dog food and we can't share with each other.  Theirs changes up every day and ours stays the same thing day after day.  To me this is just not fair!

Our BIG day finally came for us to travel to Lincoln in the house on wheels and go camping and to a Husker game.  Dad came home from work early on Friday and loaded up all the stuff that me, Avalon and Mom packed for the weekend.  Mom and Dad were having some of their two legged friends for a tailgate party at the RV before the game.

                                                      Well, let me tell you a story
about our weekend trip !!!Just before we left Dad took me and Avalon
for a last minute "hurry up" then I called shot gun and jumped up in the RV. Avalon went into the garage where the Ford was parked.  Avalon rides in the Ford because she still gets car sick most of the time.  Mom headed back in the house to make sure everything was turned off then she jumped in the Ford and followed Dad in the house on wheels to Lincoln.  When we got there Dad and I opened the back of the Ford and NO Avalon !!  Panic was had by ALL !!
Mom called Grandma T and asked her to check our house.  There was Avalon still waiting in the garage to get in the Ford and head out with us.  Boy, was everyone relieved she was there.  Grandma T babysat Avalon over the weekend and when I came back home Avalon said she had a wonderful time with Grandma.  Walks around the lake, treats and plenty of hugs and kisses.  I might stay home next time !!!

On Saturday it was game day.  We got up and took a short walk then Mom and Dad started to get ready for the tailgate party.  Huxley - puppy in training - parents came but no Huxley.  I thought I was going to get to have someone to play with and go to the game with ?  His parents were concerned he might not be quite ready for such a BIG field trip so they came alone.  Bummer !!  However, I got lots of hugs and belly rubs from all of the guests so all was OK.

Boy, where there lots and lots of Husker fans walking around.  I had to really keep on my paws not to get stepped on or bumped into.  Mom was really watching out for me so we made a great team.  There is a special place for handicapped people to sit and watch the game and that was where we were.  Mom and me met
lots of Husker fans and Mom was able to spread the word about KSDS.  I had handouts in my backpack and we gave those out too.
There was only one glitch in the whole day.  Right when we got to our area a gentleman next to us put his popcorn on the floor and the wind blew it over and popcorn flew all over.  I was trying so hard to pick it all up but for some reason Mom and Dad didn't like that.  After a short time a worker in the handicapped area came and swept it up so everyone could concentrate on the game.  Dad was sooooo exited about the game and would stand up and yell when the ball game to something he called the end zone.  I stood up to yell too but he told me only human yells were allowed.  I had to mind my manners after that.  It was a FUN day !!

Huskers beat the Wildcats - Go Big Red !!!

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