Friday, August 11, 2017

Dog Days of Summer !!

Mom said it is Summer Vacation time for me.  Just like Miss M and Miss K they get time off from training during the summer.  We have been camping a lot in our new home on wheels plus just about every day we go for a bike ride around the lake and get to go swimming.  

Camped at Two River State Park.  Mom and Dad said it is the first time they were able to reserve a spot.  Lots of fun and many walks.  Dad did pizza on the grill but like every other time it was people food not puppy food :(

Dad let me sleep in the bed room with them for the first time.  The next morning I was informed it was the last time I would get to sleep with them.  Back to my kennel in the living room.  I woke Dad up too many times during the night.  I was just checking to make sure he was alright !

 Great walks around the park and we even stopped to swing on this cool four person swing.  Avalon did't even get sick.  Mom and Dad have been giving Avalon some special pink pills for her motion sickness and it has been working like a charm !

Miss M came and picked me up one day when it was cooler and we played outside. Since I am on summer vacation I didn't do any command training with her.  However, we got to sit in the grass and listen to Miss K play her violin for us.

Mom spends a lot of time in her garden.  Her veggies are coming alive !  Every now and then when Mom isn't looking Avalon and I will sneak a veggie.  I really like the small red things.  Just the right bite size.  If Mom sees us she chases us away !  I am usually  too fast for her and get to keep my catch.

Mom has started canning.  I am not to fond of her pickle relish.  It smells soooo icky when she is cooking it that I leave the kitchen and go on my bed.  It takes most of the morning when she is canning but she hurries so we can still get our bike ride and walk in before it gets too hot.

On our way camping again I asked Mom what all of those tall green trees were ??  She said it is corn.  Nebraska is known for it's corn I am told.  It will grow some more and then when it turns brown in the fall a big thing Mom called a tractor will come and pick it up.  I asked her if they will do that in her garden but Mom told me we didn't grow any corn.

We went to a cool camping spot again after the drive through the corn.  However, it was not the most exciting camping adventure we have had.   We had to spend a lot of the time inside because it rained.  I even got tired of the smell of wet dog in our home on wheels!  Mom got out some air freshener so it got better.  Dad had to BBQ in the rain but thank goodness we have an awning on our RV.  

 In between rain storms Mom left us and went on a poker run game with some other people who had homes on wheels there.  They drove around in small cars that didn't have any doors on them.  Dad, Avalon and I stayed in the RV and watched a movie.  Dad was not feeling very good - He has a summer cold.  Hope we don't catch it !!

The next day the rain stopped so Mom and I, and later on all of us, went on a walk on the trails out in the woods.  It was cool,  We even saw some deer.  I wanted to go up and say hi but they had nothing to do with me.

When we got back home Mom was up to caning again.  This time she wore funny stuff on her face to protect her from the HOT pepper seeds and smell.  I found a seed on the floor and thought I would pick it up for Mom but that was not the thing to do.  Mom told me not to do it but you know me I kind of do what I want at times.  Won't do that again.

Since I am on summer vacation right along with the HOT - HOT temps we have only taken a few training trips out and about.   The concrete is just too hot to walk on plus the car gets sooooo hot inside that Mom thinks I might over heat before it cools down.  I don't mind staying at home but it is starting to get boring.  I am ready for fall and more training trips again.

 I think SUMMER is the best time of the year.  Swimming is the best thing to do.  If I could swim in the lake all day long I would !!   My jumping skills are getting better and I think I can jump just as far as Avalon off of the boat dock now.

Hope you are enjoying your SUMMER  !!  

Mom said fall is around the corner which means school will be starting for me soon !

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